Life After Spreadsheets

Howie Lui and his partners at AirTable built an application that combines the simplicity of a spreadsheet with the power of a database and they have a winner. [visual-link-preview encoded="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"]    

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2019 Payroll Updates

It's coming up on tax time again. Make sure your payroll software is up to date. You will also have to adjust the basic exemptions. Sage 50 and QuickBooks will notify you there is an update and prompt to install it. Download the Sage 300 Canadian payroll update at Software updates do not change...

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Sage 50 Memorized Transactions

the word memorize in black on a dark and bright green gradient background signifies Sage 50 memorized transactions

Save time and simplify month-end with Sage 50 memorized transactions. It's great for recurring payments or customer invoices. Sage 50 lets you memorize just about any kind of transaction and assign a schedule. It saves the details so you can select it from a list and modify anything that needs to be changed. Sage remembers...

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Import Data With Your Camera

Excel for mobile app tip 1, watch now

Have you ever been given a handout in a meeting or a seminar and had to retype the information? Did you know that you can import data with your camera? The Excel mobile app lets you scan a document and turn it into a spreadsheet. Any data in tabular format can be scanned and imported...

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Accelerate Invoicing

happy young woman in a bright red shirt wearing matching lipstick and glasses

With Sage 300 you can simplify the task of creating and sending invoices to your customers. Accelerate invoicing with the recurring charge feature in Sage 300. It allows you to create a recurring charge for your customers and specify billing frequency. You can have as many schedules as you need. It takes the tedium out...

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Simplify A/P Entry

white egg on red background

You may not know that Sage allows you to enter a supplier invoice with taxes included. It will automatically calculate the included taxes and record them. This especially true if some taxes are refundable and other are not. I prefer this method to entering several detail lines or making notes on the invoice before I...

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A Wider Array of Services

Four hands both male and female each gripping the wrist of the person to their left to form a square signifying a wider array of services

We are pleased to announce that Integrity Consultants has merged with Equation Technologies. We decided to merge because it allows us to provide a wider array of services and more depth to our practice. Equation Technologies shares the same values we do. We conducted an extensive search looking for an opportunity like this. Equation Technologies...

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Cloud-Based Financial Management Software

Computer screen displaying Sage Intacct dashboard which has increase/decrease scorecard tiles across the top and 4 other larger tiles, 2 displaying bar graphs, one displaying balance sheet by division and the other change in cash position by division

I never thought I would be in love with cloud-based financial management software. I spent several weeks reviewing Sage Intacct. Intacct is superior to any I have used in 20 years. It doesn’t make you feel like you’re stuck in somebody else’s head. It has flexible workflows, excellent functionality and it’s responsive. It’s designed to...

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Overhauled the Website

dark green typewriter holding a sheet of paper with the word Update printed on it

I have not posted in a month because I have been updating the site content. The content needed a refresh to better showcase our services and the products we sell. It has been a while since we've overhauled the website. Instead of many seemingly unrelated pages we have organized them into two categories for now,...

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Working In The Cloud

a hand holding an ethernet cable as if to plug it in to clouds on blue background

More Functionality If you have used a web browser or a mobile device you're already working in the cloud. Cloud apps are evolving quickly. It may be due to our overwhelming acceptance of mobile technology and the resulting demand in mobile friendly apps. The last 5 years seem to have marked a turning point in...

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