Sage 50 Memorized Transactions

the word memorize in black on a dark and bright green gradient background signifies Sage 50 memorized transactions

Save time and simplify month-end with Sage 50 memorized transactions. It’s great for recurring payments or customer invoices. Sage 50 lets you memorize just about any kind of transaction and assign a schedule. It saves the details so you can select it from a list and modify anything that needs to be changed. Sage remembers the last posting date and displays the next date on the memorized transaction list. You can memorize general journal entries, customer invoices, vendor invoices and payments. I use this method to save time and prevent omissions. It helps ensure that everything is billed and ensures a smooth month-end process.

You can change or delete memorized transactions and change the schedule any time. When you select a memorized transaction it opens up so you can modify it. This includes the reference number, date, accounts and amounts. If the there is something you want saved for next time you can simply memorize the transaction again and the new details are saved. It can be used for automatic withdrawals, general journal entries, service contracts and more.

To view a demonstration watch my YouTube video: